culture Future. Generally... The COVID19 (corona virus) situation has forced us into our own private prisons. And compelled us with the opportunity to deeply introspect. What lies ahead now? After we come out of this?
digital dogs Featured Digital Dogs Content and Media opens its doors Oleo. My life coachOn April 01/2020 - my latest venture Digital Dogs Content and Media (P) Ltd [] will begin operations. Formally. It's a BIG day. I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that, with due respect to the importance of the day. It'
mind Dancing with Angels. And Demons If your toes are made of butterflies and your drumbeats are a lost wolf's heartbeats, sing this chant. Else, fuck off.
advertising Love in the time of desperate diarrhoea If you take a call, one day, to stop taking all calls. How would you do? Where would you go? How many friends would you keep? And your mind? What will happen to it?
mind The Rabbit Hole Is pleasure the same as happiness? Or pain the same as sorrow? Is consuming the same as growing? If these questions are fucking with you, read this. Or, don't.
mind Brownian Emotions Our minds today are like industrially produced chicken. Born in misery, carries on in misery and ends in misery. Unless, we want it differently.
mind Known Sense Verse Have you ever wondered how we make sense of the world? How we live and not let live everyday? The tools we use to make sense or sheer nonsense of the world? You may want to read the fuck here.
mind Meditation in Motion Ever get the feeling the world is slipping? Or that you may be frozen solid, waiting for an end that has already happened? Staying still in the middle of a fucking blur is a choice. Try it.
mind Life. Or some bitch like that Dance till the end of time. Or the end of this rhyme. Either way, get the picture. For if you don't, it doesn't really matter either way to anyone. Except you.
culture The Taming of the Beast There's a beast in all of us. At the very least. If you have lost yours to find tranquility then good luck motherfucker.
culture Plane Truth Have you ever felt like screaming? Only, nothing comes out of your lungs except ash. And your tongue gets a moment's taste of what your life could have been?
mind Switch Bitch A rhyme to kill. A rhyme to slit throats and wrists. A rhyme to rise. And a rhyme to be born.
brands Kyun ke Hum Hai Hindustani We are Indians. And we know a thing or 25 about brands. Think twice before screwing with us please. No HORN OK.
mind Love. Factually There's a lot of shit written on love. Here's one more. On a more dreamy note, if you are fucked by love then read this fast. If you aren't, then take your time reading this.
mind In decent proposal Have you ever been bitten by a rhyme? On the ankle of your heart? Or been assaulted by memories in black ski masks? As you were traipsing in and out of the well lit corridors of your life?
culture Miss ya Ghalib Mirza Ghalib can teach us a lot. About life, dignity, intelligence and even how to face adversity. It is a pity he is not available for lectures these days.
culture Wary Christmas Christmas comes and goes. And we wish, make merry and go back to being ourselves, Is there something more to it? Can there be anything more to it?
culture Applied Innocence: The Innocence that works in the Real World Usually linked with babies, the poet, the hippy and the adult idiot - innocence has taken a beating. Suffered a credibility negative wave. But must it? Or is there another definition?
mind 15 fucking years in Bombay 15 years of Bombay on the senses becomes your senses. If you let it. This is the Bombay I made for myself. This is the Bombay that made me. A lens of the most personal kind.
mind Calmer Sutra - Staying stable in an unstable world If you feel like screaming into a paper bag, running over that slow MOFO in the car ahead of you or strangling your aunt as she again asks your mother if you are a lesbian, then read.
mind Some kind of magic Sometimes, I rhyme. Either on those nights when the moon is a wolf-bitten piece of yellow cheese and howling at it makes no difference. Or pretty much whenever the fuck I feel like.
culture Saving Ryan's privates If the racism, sexism, bigotry and sexual intolerance in this piece bothers you then please wake the fuck up. This is happening all around us. I have only chronicled it.
brands Blah Blah Ramdev A saffron sadhu with a gecko inside his mouth? A twisting, twisted tycoon with a bullet train made of native wit for a tongue? Who in orange hell is Baba Ramdev? Jump right in.
advertising If my aunt had balls, she would have been my uncle The changing landscape of the Advertising industry in India. And around the world. What it means for agencies, clients and of course, the consumers.
culture Wild Fucks Flying Dackward Have you ever seen a machine gun's navel? The Buddha's rage? Or tasted cocaine that has been set on fire? Slurped on hormones, dripping chicken soup for the lost soul? Go ahead.