culture Maximum Pity The madness. The sexy-ness. The overwhelming cinemascope called Bombay. Seen from a migrant's eyes. Come and jump the fuck in.
brands Why we deserve Donald Trump Donald Trump is our doing. Our decision and our choice. He is what we desire in our basest, most primitive versions. Read on.
brands My encounter with Shantaram Meeting Gregory David Roberts is no joke. The author of Shantaram and The Mountain Shadow had a lot to say. And a lot to suggest. Whispered words of wisdom. Read.
culture Hooch Cassidy and The One Dance Kid Changing times and value of things. How progress is impacting many things in our lives. And not all of them are necessarily good. Or even required.
advertising "Bye" by Bernbach The clarity of thinking to know when to go. And the balls to start up. There's a lot to learn from Bill Bernbach. And about Bill Bernbach.
culture Tu kaun hai Bae? Is social media making us emotional loners? Are we all becoming drifters and anchor-less flotsam? Making virtual friends while losing real ones? Do we even know how to make real friends?
mind 7 Habits of Highly Effective Bullshitters A practical guide to spot Bullshitters. Not exhaustive but was surely exhausting. First hand experience documented, so you can benefit.
advertising The opinion of the onion The Account Planner, pretty much like anyone, is increasingly finding himself under the RoI scanner. What is to become of him? Find out.
mind To kill a mocking beard Our beards give us away. Who we are, who we could have been. Get to know people through the presence of absence of their beards. Obviously, we are talking about men. I think.
mind Pee-culiarities of the Human Mind How we pee gives away a lot about us. In fact, how we hold (or not), how we let go, how we stand (or sit) and what we do after is a dead giveaway into our minds. Splash right in.
brands The Adventures of Goatman and Raw Bean Brand and branding in India is a fascinating subject. Jump right in to get a glimpse of how we as a people consume and forgive.
mind It must've been Dove but it's over now Glimpses into people. Through behaviour. And their soaps. A soap tells us a lot.
advertising Son of a pitch The Advertising pitch process is broken. And pretty much the entire reason for it is because Agencies allowed it.
brands Jo Jeeta Wohi Dukaandar The rise of retail and e-commerce. A look at the state of play and the future - what it looks like possibly.