An Ode to the Wise (of today)
(explicit content)
You’ve been believing, for a while, that you’re really hot on insights
Motherfucker, with your mind, you have just been flying kites
Mistaking your cynicism for a fucking gifted third eye
Making sweeping judgement calls, just like that, on the fly
You see people, you judge them, if they're not how you are
You box people, you tag them, taking judging way too far
You sound heavy, you sound wise, really you’re a fucking ass
Delivering all your random shit, with a mother load of sass
Real wisdom comes from sweating, and it comes from real suffering
Not from watching YouTube videos, and posting shit while the next one’s buffering
Real insight comes from knowing just how humble you ought to be
It doesn’t come from sounding wise, just because you got to be
Let me tell you a little something, if you've got the patience now
The truly wise, when they speak, don’t care if the audience is going "wow"
The deeper truth, spoken in peace, doesn’t care for a fucking stage
But you’re so hellbent to check for 'likes' coz IG once had called you a sage
With a smartphone and our fingers, we all think we can turn the trick
Belting out little nuggets of wise, like a motherfucking supermarket ascetic
Then the lights go out, we come back home, a dark room with a lit up screen
And we start all over again, looking cool and wise as we preen
The problem is your follower count, that makes you think you're a fucking star
Faceless strangers, and some bots, lead you to believe you can set the bar
So there you go, all over again, sounding wise and looking cool
While real people leave through the back door but you’re too busy, you fucking fool
But you are not a real star, and you don't know what fame can do
And even though the fame ain’t real, it’s causing real damage to you
Fame’s a bitch, with an endless itch, and it will extract its pound of meat
But you don’t know all that do you? You’ve only seen her till now in heat
But when it hits you, and sure it will, one day or one random night
When the sledgehammer of real sorrow, comes at you from out of sight
Then you’ll look up from your screen and realise it’s just you and your shadow
Sinking into the fucking swamp, made by you and fame, that hoe
I have no clue what you'll do then, guess what, that makes two of us
Maybe one last suicide post? As you roll under that moving bus?
I have no clue, like I said, because we all haven’t reached there yet
But it would be cool to watch, coz it’s coming, you can bet
Then you have my good wishes. Haha, just kidding, go fuck yourselfie
When life humps you, in the asshole, I bet you won’t be clicking that belfie
That’s a selfie, of a butt, for the benefit of the cunts you’re training
I can already see them waiting, in a line, no bargaining
It’s a pity the world ain’t stopping, for some of us to just get down
So we’re stuck with the smartphone wielding, motherfucking wiseass clown
But that’s okay coz some of us were trained to take the bad with the good
Personally though, I sometimes still wonder, what the fuck lies 'neath your hood