I met a girl selling souls by the shores
She said all the angels are moonlighting as whores
This is the time to reap what you never sowed
The time to extract what to you was never owed

I met the girl again. Business was brisk
She said only the helpless are taking all the risk
The chasm between them and the rest, oh dear
Is so wide and deep that judgement can never come near

The girl, she was there again the next day
She said souls are selling coz the degenerates will pay
It’s the only thing they’ll keep buying till the time they’re dead
And my customers, the walking dead, need always be fed

On Sunday, the girl was so busy she couldn’t speak
Business was crazy, she couldn’t even take a leak
Church Day, motherfucker. She told me real fast
Am making hay till the Sunday sun will last

Monday was rest day, one can stay late in bed
But the girl was selling, she was in over her head
And when I asked her how come, she looked at me and said
How naïve are you? There’s no rest for the wicked

Every hour. Every day. Morning, evening, dawn and night
The girl kept selling non-stop. Her eyes clear, her face bright
I kept watching, from a corner. Smoking in silence, fascinated
Till it was time, finally. When she decided now I had to be baited

Come close, sweetheart. She said to me. Touch your weary lips with mine
Once you do that, you will see. All your darkness will start to shine
I kept looking, as I drew close. Searching for a sign, looking for her tell
And when I kissed her, she drew back. Son of a bitch, you have no soul to sell

She shrank back. Surprised as fuck. This was a first, I could see
Never before, while sourcing souls, she ever met someone like me
She looked in my eyes, breathing on my face. Helplessly by now starting to laugh
All I could say, to ease her boiling mind – My darling, you are a cunt and a half

Business is good. And souls are selling. You are rocking as I am told
Empty motherfuckers come stumbling to you. They need a fix and the souls get sold
But what do you do when you meet someone like me? What do you do, my poison queen?
A soulless bastard. High and plastered. I am someone you have never seen

I left the girl, standing alone. I never went back to where she stood
In my world, I can never fall. I may stumble, oh believe me I could
But I can never fall. Never, ever fall. And the reason is the reason I am free
Rather than having a rotting soul, I chose to become soulless. I chose to become me