Building lovely stuff
Digital Dogs Content and Media, a venture founded by Ambarish Ray and Anjali Rawat that focuses on telling authentic and human stories to build real, human action unveils new work for the House of Khimji Jewels.

At Digital Dogs Anjali and I often talk about how to push the edges of things. How to try and look up every time, when it comes to creating beautiful work. That works.
We keep trying and we keep getting inches ahead. Motoring with stamina against the debilitating drag of convention, precedence and paralytic caution has its telling effects. On me at least. While Anjali keeps getting lovelier, I keep getting greyer. But that's fine. Beauty needs the Beast. And the world needs more lovely stuff.

Against all odds - not from the client but from the world (the bloody corona virus, or have you forgotten?) we built a body of work across digital and phygital - from www, social, mobile and device-first, search and deep experience commerce to TV, Print, OOH, in-store, out-store and activated consumer experience - both physical as well as in the cloud.
The client is our very own House of Khimji Jewels and their jewellery is outta this world. I may have briefly considered a sex change after seeing their shine. Anjali of course faced no such dilemma and went on to create a collection titled - Collection ME. It's a tribute to the young. At heart, not just in hormone levels. A curated magic box filled with self expression of the atmospheric kind. One that discourages you to toe the line, be the round peg in the round hole. Be a statistical and forgotten everywoman, that is.

We wanted people - young people, to love who they are. And believe without any cynical blemish that they can forever be who they are now. Whether time is a termite that eats one's dreams or a cheerleader that celebrates them, no one knows. But for now, for today, there is ME. So you can be - YOU.