Future. Generally...
The COVID19 (corona virus) situation has forced us into our own private prisons. And compelled us with the opportunity to deeply introspect. What lies ahead now? After we come out of this?

What do you think is gonna happen when we get out of our homes finally?
Blinking like albino toddlers at the sun of change? Or rushing out like caged lions inside the Roman amphitheatre?
Will we stop and remember the people we were during that time? Or will we be already brushing that under the carpet of questionable distractions?
Will we re-examine? Ourselves? Our shelves? Who we became, albeit temporarily (but there was no way of knowing that for sure) during that time?
Will we re-evaluate our decisions? Who we love? Who we could have loved? Who we surely shouldn't have?
Will we stop, at least long enough for a deep breath, before we make random Friday night plans or Monday morning excuses?
Will our white lies become just a bit coloured with our expriences during that time?
Will we love our walls more? Know our window panes more intimately? Realise just how lying those dishwashing ads on TV really are?
Will we look at our house helps differently? At least? If not reverentially? Will we see Emergency doctors with new dislike? Or new love?
Will we work out more, now that we may have been doing it all through that time? Will we find it a little more difficlut to lie on social media?
Will we come a little close to our truer selves?
I don't know. But I know this much. Our present will irrevocably influence our future. If we let it, that is.