Dancing with Angels. And Demons
Dancing on the edge
Of a razor blade's ledge
Dancing 'coz I haven't learnt
How to stop. Be stable, blunt
Dancing to a beat
Only I can hear it
They can't hear it on the street
But I can. And my crazy feet
Dancing in the dark
Tossing coins on a lark
The compass is my heart
There's no guarantee from the start
Dancing to a dream
'Coz the everyday makes me scream
I'd rather go down
Than be a statistical clown
Dancing to desire
And I wanna jump higher
I know the flipside to this
'Coz there's no net if I miss
Dancing in the rain
Pain. Gain. Loss. Again
Gripping cycle, like a fever
But I'll break it. I'm a believer
Dancing in the sunlight
With the butterflies hugging me tight
But the sun can burn me and my dreams
And it can all turn into ashes and screams
Dancing beneath the sickle moon
A yellow cheese. Bitten too soon
The wolves will howl. The spectres hiss
This ain't the moon below which lovers kiss
Dancing till the end 'coz that's what I know
With my shivering muse. Toe to toe
Dancing 'coz my life's really just a dance
But it fucking beats those for whom it's just half chance