If you want to be my friend
You got to let me eat your soul
That's what she heard in the end
While falling down the rabbit hole
Did I just imagine that?
Or is that what I truly want?
I have one life, unlike the cat
I can't sell it. I just can't
Not to him. Or anyone else
Not for love. Not money or gold
There's a price. And everything sells
But not my life. That can't be sold
I'd rather suffer. Be cold and alone
But isn't that how we all must leave?
In the end, we're nothing but stone
The tomb, the epitaph and those who bereave
But while I breathe, I'll be at war
Either I'm slain. Or I'm not
I am the only one in my car
I won't be used. And I can't be bought
Love these days, is a paper ring
As I heard somewhere in a song
In that case, the song I shall sing
Will be about truth, not right or wrong
Let my song then fly in the breeze
Let it go where ever it does
Let it end when I shall cease
But be different from the mediocre buzz
As I now emerge from the rabbit hole
I am clear about the path I see
No one can own me. Or my soul
Till I stop walking, me is who I shall be
See what is there to see