Known Sense Verse
"Over the shoulder boulder holder"
Schoolboy bra joke. But now I'm older
Hence this rhyme on a sobering note
Good to drown in whiskey when we're all in the same boat
Is this a verse? Nonsense maybe?
Were we better when we were a baby?
Singular and plural. Grammar's getting screwed
The warrior waits patiently as her coffee gets brewed
Life is natural. But living, an imagined order
We're checking all the time, who's on which side of the border
Brahmins or Shudras. Whites or Blacks
Everyday, you see. Our intolerance unpacks
Muslims are dogs. And real dogs are eaten
Some of them are pets. And the Muslims are beaten
Blacks are Niggers. And Whites are getting shit
Trump comes to power. Giving prejudice a suckling tit
We're B schooling. We're chasing Money
White collared bees. In search of the pot of honey
Burning everything. Thinking that's the only way
Whenever the sun shines, we're running to make hay
As nature intended. As evolution planned
No one is wiser. And no one should be banned
You just keep playing the lottery. And the adapters make it
And the next-batch cake is smarter. As the wiser wombs bake it
But this is too simple. Too objective and too clear
How then can we fuck it up? Let's search far and near
Bingo! Got it. Voila! We're too fucking cool
Let's invent social orders. The Wise man and the Fool
But why stop at that? Let's punch it good some more
Let's also have the Rich man. The Poor man. And the Whore
Let's have the Holy-ies and the Heathens. The Elites and the Dregs
The man that owns the largest castle. And the one, that outside begs
Let's segregate on colour. On the foreskin and on gender
Let's sit on a high horse and get off. On a Classification bender
Creating classes helps us. To have order. Make some sense
But the fucking order's imagined. And my verse, well, nonsense